Business Address
3825 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA, 92105
Business Hours
10:00AM - 6:00PM
Call Us
(619) 363-4210
Business Address
3825 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA, 92105
Business Hours
10:00AM - 6:00PM
Call Us
(619) 363-4210
Get Your Device Fixed NOW!
(619) 363-4210
Business Computer Services
Business Computer Services
Products Offered
Products Offered
Business Advisory
Nerd Repair Center take care of your IT-related equipment from procurement to installation, configuration, support, and preventive maintenance. We will consult with you to figure out which products will best meet your company’s IT needs and project budget.
Nerd Repair Center take care of your IT-related equipment from procurement to installation, configuration, support, and preventive maintenance. We will consult with you to figure out which products will best meet your company’s IT needs and project budget.
Low level managed Services
Virus Removal
Drive Space
Network Devices
Virus Removal
Drive Space
Network Devices
Repair Services

We repair all PC and MAC no matter the issue.
We will repair it or offer an alternative solution.

We repair all PC and MAC no matter the issue.
We will repair it or offer an alternative solution.
Backup and Restore Services
We provide a wide range of backup options either on-site or off-site.
We provide a wide range of backup options either on-site or off-site.
Remote Support Services
We offer
off-site remote services

for solving problems that do not require a physical visit.
We offer
off-site remote services
for solving problems that do not require a physical visit.
New Projects
We will do a cumulative assessment of your business and provide the best solution. We have the best technicians to implement any project.